Sep 25, 2017


September 2017

What are "first things?" First things are those things you, personally, find of most worth. If you put first things first, you are organizing and managing time and events according to the personal priorities you established.  From the book: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Habit 3: Put First Things First.

You have established a priority for today; that is, something of importance for you now.  If you are a list person, you may have the list in front of you. You receive a phone call, asking you for help with someone else’s need or want and it sounds urgent.  Is it important enough to put your priority aside?  Do you drop everything? Is it really an emergency?

Someone you knew a long time ago dies, and you are urged to go to the viewing or funeral. Do you truly want to go, or do you feel “compelled” because of social protocol? The answer to prayer comes from God, so may you pray for the deceased and their family instead? Would this be more important than your priority?

Or, you receive call, asking you to join them in what they want to do because they don’t want to go alone. Will going fulfill your priority? If you say “no” they will call someone else.

We are told to help others above ourselves. We want to be there to help others. But... is the other person’s request truly a need? Can they get along without your help at this time? Do they have someone else who can help? If you accept these requests, what happened to your priority? It is put off another day and maybe another, and yet another, all to pay attention to others’ needs or wants.

Quotes from the Edgar Cayce readings:
 Do the first things first; and know that as you keep in line with that which is constructive ever, then the gain mentally, materially, spiritually, may come.
 But if there are put the first things first and the proper evaluations of those of material and mental and spiritual forces, then there may be a life of harmony, a life of happiness, a life of joy in this experience. For it will make all of those whom the entity may contact day by day aware, by the very dealings and the expression with same, that he hath taken thought of his relationships to his God and his fellow man!

Conclusion: establish your priorities: spiritual, mental, and material. Learn to say “no” to what would distract, distort or delay any of your priorities.. This is meant for the interruptions or distractions to a priority, not to a true emergency for another.

Let’s all try this for a week and see how we do. I need this, too.

Jul 19, 2017

Don't take it personally

Don’t take it personally.
They don’t mean it that way.
Does it really matter?
What am I afraid of?

Contributing to changes in behavior and irritability is the NORTHERN CORONAL HOLE: A hole in the sun's atmosphere has opened up and it is spewing solar wind into space.  NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring the structure, which sprawls across nearly half of the sun's northern hemisphere. A coronal hole (CH), is a region where the sun's magnetic field peels back and allows solar wind to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this hole is expected to reach Earth on July 21st, bringing a 40% chance of geomagnetic activity. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras when the solar wind arrives. Details and picture at This is addition to the solar flares we’ve recently experienced. French scientist and doctor, Franz Mesmer, in his studies of magnetic fields on the human psychie, revealed how high concentrations of anions, which are negatively charged ions,  dramatically influence the human body and brain.

The weather is hot and steamy, the solar flares and the Sun’s magnetic radiation intense. This means everyone’s aura is stimulated and compressed. Some react with fatigue, some with irritation, some with sleep. Some, though, are energized and are so busy with activities they wear others out. People can be more emotional than usual, meaning more touchy and taking things personally. Irritation is projected as grouchiness or criticism. Fatigue can be experienced as a desire to withdraw.

Some are prone to take the little things personally, when they may not be meant that way. Let’s say you tried to help a friend, and received a short, “no, I don’t need your help.” You could take it personally and become angry or be sad because you are not needed. What if you looked at what is going on in your friend’s life? Is your friend under stress or going through a difficult time? Was your friend trying to offend you, or thinking of their own circumstances? Understanding where they are coming from can help your feelings of anger or sadness. The Edgar Cayce readings counsel to help others when we feel sad or rejected.

Some people project their own misgivings or perceived shortcomings onto others, which takes prayerful attention. You need not take that personally, and understand it is their “stuff” projected, although it can be difficult.

The Course in Miracles has a philosophy that I’ve translated as “if I am not feeling love, what am I afraid of?” I’ve put this little exercise into action, with surprising revelations about myself. If you had a sad or angry reaction to anything, you could ask yourself: What am I afraid of? And does it really matter?

Does it really matter? In my long life, I’ve learned that most of what happens is not really important. When we pay attention to what is important, the little stuff takes care of itself.

This can be an interesting personal growth exercise.

a.  Do they mean to hurt you?
b.  Should I take it personally?
c.  Does it really matter?
d.  What am I afraid of?

Feedback is welcome. Please email me with your comments.

Jun 8, 2017


A few years ago, I watched an interview with Bishop Desmond Tutu on the Bill Moyers show, talking about forgiveness and reconciliation in South Africa. How he explained forgiveness was not taught in the Catholic school I attended, or in any other studied religious or spiritual teachings. Forgiveness is taught, but not in those words. This is an attempt to present forgiveness in Bishop Tutu’s words.

To make this brief, Bishop Tutu told Bill Moyers that when someone hurts you, you have the right to avenge or retaliate. That means you hold on to the hurt, and maybe even let the hurt become hate. This in turn, develops into a vendetta or blood feud, which happened in South Africa, where he was bishop and archbishop. Bishop Tutu said that when you decide to forgive, you give up the right to get even and let it go. It does not mean the perpetrator was right, it just means you acknowledge the harm, tell the other you forgive and let it go. How simple that is, to free yourself from holding on and freeing the other, thereby stopping the vendetta or karma. In South Africa, the people faced each other, acknowledged what they did, and asked for and received forgiveness. This enabled the nation to heal and move forward. This was shown on the interview, and was profound. To quote him: “Without forgiveness, we remain tethered to the person who harmed us. We are bound with chains of bitterness, tied together, trapped. Until we can forgive the person who harmed us, that person will hold the keys to our happiness; that person will be our jailor. When we forgive, we take back control of our own fate and our feelings. We become our own liberators. We don’t forgive to help the other person. We don’t forgive for others. We forgive for ourselves.”Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World, by Desmon Tutu and Mpho Tutu. Harper One, 2014). Here is a link to the article,

He offers four steps to forgiving and healing:

  •     Telling the Story 
  •     Naming the Hurt 
  •     Granting Forgiveness 
  •     Renewing or Releasing the Relationship
To read these four points explained, click here

The hardest one to forgive may be one’s self. Can we acknowledge we did something we think is wrong, and let it go? Would that heal? It is worth a try.

To comment or begin a dialogue, you may on this blog, or email: This article is on the Insights page of

To receive your private reading, contact Maria at

May 21, 2017

Karma is not a dirty word

Since we are trying to think and say positive phrases, we may say Karma can be good.

Karma is like a boomerang: you throw it out and it returns to you. Thoughts and actions are like that: they return to you, both the good and the bad.

Karma: what goes around comes around; you reap what you sow: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. What you do unto others will be done unto you. For every reaction, there is an opposite and equal reaction. The phrase “you get what you give,” is another explanation. We reap the good things, too.

Moses brought law and order to those going with him. That law and order was needed is evidenced by the Ten Commandments given to him, and further evidenced by the story that the people were already disobeying the law when he descended from the mountain and they were worshiping the golden calf.

  Footnote: the Egyptian time was the Age of Taurus, hence the calf. Moses brought in the Age of Aries, with sheep as the animal and symbol. The worship of the calf was worshiping the past in addition to worshiping an idol.

As Moses’ law developed, the phrase “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” can be understood as teaching the law of karma. That it became extreme is also true.

My belief is that karma is ours, not someone else’s. We may have had a previous life with someone, with the roles reversed this time. However, the karma itself belongs to us, not the other, it is our action boomeranged.

We tend to think of the difficult relationships or challenging situations as karma. That is true.  Do you ever think of the good in your life as karma? Can you think of your good relationships as reaping the good that you did for others? Have you experienced a good, surprising situation? That is your good karma.

Your life can be managed for your good by “paying it forward.” Doing what is good for others sets good up to return to you, It may take a while, but the good will return. As an experiment, can you:

    ★    recognize the good in your life, both relationships and situations.
    ★    do good, or pay it forward, and recognize when it returns.

When the good returns, you may know good karma is yours, too.

If you want to dialogue with me, please email me. If you would like a forum for the Maria-Grace subscribers, please email me and we’ll set it up.

May your good karma be returned soon.
Visit Maria-Grace website.

May 11, 2017

About Verbs and Words

When we speak, we use verbs, which describe the action of the subject. Your mind, or subconscious, hears verbs as commands. That means when your mind hears a verb, it wants you to act upon the verb, or do what it impels. Your mind usually hears the verb, not the words around it. For instance, when you say or think a verb, your mind tells you to do what the verb commands.

You want to have positive results of your speech. This means to do something, not to “not do something.”

One of the most-used “negative” uses of a verb is the expression “don’t forget.” What does your mind actually hear and want to do? Forget. Could you instead use the expression remember? How many times do you hear, “never forget,” when instead, “always remember”would be a better choice of verbs, urging you to remember.

What expressions do you use that would urge or impel you to do something you don’t really want to do? Can you re-phrase them, using a positive verb, to manifest the result you want?

Related to verbs are words to describe yourself. How many times, in frustration, do you call yourself unflattering or demeaning names? Like “dummy” when something you are trying to do is not working. Could the expression rather be, “I can do this,” or, “I can learn this,” to urge your mind to do it or learn it, instead of dumbing yourself down? There are many expressions used that can be re-phrased to manifest the desired outcome instead of focusing on the difficult.

Try it in your life and see how it works out.

If you want to comment and dialog with me about this, please email me at: until the Goggle Plus site is truly working. I will be happy to interact with you. 

Visit Maria Grace web page for personal information:

Feb 20, 2017

Current turmoil & Violet Fire

Maria Grace insight Feb 20 2017

Jesus, Ascended Master St. Germain, El Morya have a message for us:

In the turmoil of the times, it is important for you to blaze the Light of the Christ, or the Violet Fire, or whatever through the situation only. Please do not blaze energy to a particular person, only to the situation. The angels will purify the atmosphere around the situation. Whatever ritual you already use, raise the energy and blaze it through the situation.

The turmoil is because the energy of the Piscean Age and Sixth Ray is receding quickly, with the energy of the Aquarian Age and Seventh Ray coming in very quickly, forming the chaos. Within the chaos is the kernel of the New Age.

The energy has been catalyzed to bring what was below the surface into the light to be processed. The Aquarian Age and Seventh Ray represent acceptance, individuality and self responsibility. They also represent forgiveness, which Jesus presented to mankind in the beginning of the Piscean Age over 2,000 years. We sorely need forgiveness now.

As the turmoil progresses, some of those engaged in the strife will wake up and use their energy for the good of all. The Seventh Ray and the Violet Fire blazed through the turmoil will transmute the energy into perfection.

If you need a prayer, tantrum or decree, this can be used:

We call upon Ascended Master St. Germain, Archangel Zadkiel, and Elohim Arcturus to BLAZE, BLAZE, BLAZE the Violet Fire of Freedom’s Love in through and around ------ (the situation you want cleared) to TRANSMUTE, TRANSMUTE, TRANSMUTE all ??? energy into perfection, to clear the atmosphere for God’s Divine Plan, or God’s Will, whatever you like, to be made manifest.

If you prefer the power of the Christ: We call upon Master Jesus, Archangel Michael and Elohim Hercules to BLAZE, BLAZE, BLAZE the power of the Christ in through and around — (the situation you want cleared) to FORGIVE, FORGIVE, FORGIVE and heal the energy into Love, to clear the atmosphere for God’s Divine Plan, or God’s Will, whatever you like, to be made manifest.

We accept this as done, right here and right now. Amen.

Feb 19, 2017

Maria Grace's first post about her

This first post is how this blog came to be. There is a need to post messages from Maria Grace's guides and the Masters in response to questions from others.

Maria Grace is the middle name of Patty the Astrologer. As Patty, she is known for astrology readings, but for over 35 years gives readings using her well-known clairvoyant or psychic ability. As Maria Grace, she also contacts your loved ones on the other side for you so you can learn how they are and if they have any messages for you. Those on the other side included beloved pets. 

Maria Grace is appreciated for her valuable insight and practical advice. Contact with your guides can give you spiritual and practical advice. Maria Grace has lived a long time, and has had many what she calls adventures,which still continue. Her life experiences add to her ability to help you understand your situations and why they are like they are. 

Maria Grace's many lifetimes as an astrologer, and her over 35 years of experience in this one, gives her the knowledge and ability to help you understand your situation, including relationships, as outlined by your soul.  You can avail yourself of her experience and giving nature with a reading. 

To read more about Maria Grace's spiritual journey and experiences, please go to her website: 

To subscribe to her free messages, please email her with your first and last name and email address. Your information is safe with her and Mail Chimp, which manages the Maria Grace Insight newsletter. 

Readings with Maria Grace are over the phone, by appointment at a time when you can be relaxed and attentive. She is available daily, according to availability, except Tuesday, from 10 am Eastern Time. Her email is: Her phone is 302-378-0579 USA.

Readings can be tarot, clairvoyant psychic, common sense, astrology and contact with your loved ones on the other side, and can be combined in one reading. 

15 minutes = $  35.00 USD
30 minutes = $  65.00 USD
45 minutes = $  95.00 USD
60 minutes = $126.00 USD