Feb 20, 2017

Current turmoil & Violet Fire

Maria Grace insight Feb 20 2017

Jesus, Ascended Master St. Germain, El Morya have a message for us:

In the turmoil of the times, it is important for you to blaze the Light of the Christ, or the Violet Fire, or whatever through the situation only. Please do not blaze energy to a particular person, only to the situation. The angels will purify the atmosphere around the situation. Whatever ritual you already use, raise the energy and blaze it through the situation.

The turmoil is because the energy of the Piscean Age and Sixth Ray is receding quickly, with the energy of the Aquarian Age and Seventh Ray coming in very quickly, forming the chaos. Within the chaos is the kernel of the New Age.

The energy has been catalyzed to bring what was below the surface into the light to be processed. The Aquarian Age and Seventh Ray represent acceptance, individuality and self responsibility. They also represent forgiveness, which Jesus presented to mankind in the beginning of the Piscean Age over 2,000 years. We sorely need forgiveness now.

As the turmoil progresses, some of those engaged in the strife will wake up and use their energy for the good of all. The Seventh Ray and the Violet Fire blazed through the turmoil will transmute the energy into perfection.

If you need a prayer, tantrum or decree, this can be used:

We call upon Ascended Master St. Germain, Archangel Zadkiel, and Elohim Arcturus to BLAZE, BLAZE, BLAZE the Violet Fire of Freedom’s Love in through and around ------ (the situation you want cleared) to TRANSMUTE, TRANSMUTE, TRANSMUTE all ??? energy into perfection, to clear the atmosphere for God’s Divine Plan, or God’s Will, whatever you like, to be made manifest.

If you prefer the power of the Christ: We call upon Master Jesus, Archangel Michael and Elohim Hercules to BLAZE, BLAZE, BLAZE the power of the Christ in through and around — (the situation you want cleared) to FORGIVE, FORGIVE, FORGIVE and heal the energy into Love, to clear the atmosphere for God’s Divine Plan, or God’s Will, whatever you like, to be made manifest.

We accept this as done, right here and right now. Amen.